Declining Christian Population In Srilanka

Comparison with the Past

From latter part of last century and up to now the Christian population has declined while the rest of religions have increased their sector.If you observe and compare attendances on Sunday Holy Mass now and good olden days you will notice the difference.Half of the pews are empty now!What's happening to the faithfuls? Just sublime to thin air?
Why is this declining trend specific to Christians of all sectors in Sri Lanka?

Major Reasons that can be identified for this alarming trend

1.Mix Marriages - Most marriages are now taking place in the afternoon indicating
its a mix marriage.

2.Poverty in the Family - Family is more concern about survival rather than
religion. Christianity becomes a secondary matter.

3.Finding a Christian Partner - Especially for women in lower and middle class,it
is difficult to find a Christian partner as their per capita income is very
low.Dowry or a job to equate dowry is a must.If they are unable to satisfy either
they may marry a non Christian as it is easy to find a non Christian
partner(out of 93%).

4.Preschool Education - Christian Children are not brought up in Christian background.

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